
From Marillia

Pazunia is an endless world of bone-dry desert baking under a blistering-hot, unmoving red sun. It is generally believed by scholars to be the 1st layer of the Abyss.

Few features dot the landscape of Pazunia. Among them are giant gaping sinkholes. These are not chasms, but portals leading to many—some say all—other layers of the Abyss. The rest of the landscape is mostly featureless, save for the massive iron fortresses dotting the horizon. These citadels are the abodes of great tanar'ri warlords and generals. According to some rumors, they also house the bodies of demon lords while they travel the astral plane.

Pazunia is one of the principal battlefields of the Blood War, and as such, you can often find tanar'ri war bands here, along with legions of devils and companies of yugoloths.

It is never night in Pazunia: the sun sits motionless, blazing in a cloudless sky.

Pazunia is said to be named after Pazuzu, who is believed to rule the skies here.


See also