
From Marillia

Iblis or Eblis is the name of the chief of the evil spirits in Islam. He is the central adversarial figure in Islam and is typically identified with Satan and the Devil.


One proposed etymology of Iblis is "despair." Others relate his name to talbis "confusion." Some claim his name is related to the Greek word diabolos, which is where we get the English word "devil."

Part of the reason there is so much debate is because the name Iblis doesn't show up in Arabic before the Quran except in a single source, the Kitab al-Magall "Book of the Rolls."[1] Here's an excerpt:

This day is Friday, and on it God created Adam of dust, and formed Eve from his rib. On the seventh day God had completed all creation, and He called it Sabbath. God had created Adam in the third hour of Friday the sixth day. Iblis had laid claim to Godhead which had entered him in the second hour of that day, and God had hurled him down from heaven to earth.[2]


  1. a name which makes me hungry
  2. Sauce: Sacred Texts.