Jessilla val Dayne

From Marillia
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Jessilla val Dayne ("jeh-SIH-luh") is an arcanist who was a former member of the Burja before forming a splinter faction known as the Reshiga. She's considered one of the more powerful magi in Teresis.

Jessilla split with the Burja over ideological differences, namely the Burja's policy of magical non-proliferation (restricting access to magic). This schism erupted into an all-out magical civil war. Most of Phoena's major cities have seen street violence between Burja and Reshiga members.


Jessilla was born in 473 (making her 21 as of 494). She was orphaned on the streets as a child and taken in on a whim by a maestro of the Burja, Koraman, after he witnessed a display of magic of hers when she tried stealing a piece of cooked meat from a street vendor. She was trained in the arcane arts and was quickly deemed a prodigy.

Just a few years ago, however, Jessilla had a split with many of the other members of the Burja. She came to believe the Burja was far too restrictive and elitist in its recruitment. This belief was deepened by the ongoing Eighth Occaria: Jessilla believed that had the Burja granted wider access to magical teaching, Phoena would have far more magi to use against Alicante. She eventually published her attacks against the Burja in a treatise known as the Seventeen Points (sometimes abbreviated as the "17P").

The 17P was quickly banned by King Jassar, who saw the document as seditious, but various private enterprises and other parties began printing and distributing it in secret.


Jessilla's split was principally with Koraman. This split was deeply personal as well as political, as Koraman was not only her mentor but also her foster father.

Jessilla is married to Rassen val Dayne, a Phoenic nobleman. Initially their marriage was purely political, but, if the rumors are true, love followed quickly after.